We Love God.

We’re not satisfied with God being “something” in our lives, we make Him “everything”.

We Live By Faith.

God is big, so we dream big. Trusting Him in all things and taking risks for the advancement of the Gospel is in our DNA.

We Unleash God’s Word.

It's alive, it's powerful, and accomplishes what God sends it out to do.

We Honor God’s Presence.

Lives flourish in God’s presence. We will make a place for people to experience Him.

We Build People.

Building is a process of specific steps so, we create clear steps. Individually and collectively, we will take bold steps towards all that God has for us.

We Choose Joy.

We will enjoy the journey; laugh hard, loud and often.

We Pursue Excellence.

We will always bring our best, honoring God and inspiring people.

We Remain Teachable.

We will be life-long learners; always hearing, reading and going deeper in God’s Word.

We Are Generous.

We lead the way in generosity to see the work of God furthered in our world. We see ourselves as the West Coast distributors of God’s goodness.

We Fight For Generations.

We intentionally develop and empower the now and the next generation to make a difference in their world today.

We Love Our City.

Actions speak louder than words. We love our city and will take responsibility for it.